DIETING TIPS AND TRICKS: Vegan Restaurants And Other Outings Part 5

DIETING TIPS AND TRICKS: Vegan Restaurants And Other Outings Part 5

This section is a continuation of PART 4. Here we will discuss certain tips and tricks for omitting carbohydrates and fatty foods in social settings while maintaining a good protein intake.
It is crucial to understand that when in an eating dilemma- such as no meat options available- you still need to consume your proteins AFTER the cheat meal. Never skip the proteins just because you had to eat a starch or fatty meal. Make sure that you consume the leanest proteins straight after this “cheat meal”. For example: if you had to have pancakes and waffles at your kid’s birthday party, go home and eat a full portion of lean protein (e.g., can of tuna) as soon as possible. Don’t wait till dinner (or the next meal) and do not double up on missed proteins.

Vegan/ vegetarian restaurant: These generally include, but are not limited to Indian cuisine and strict vegan restaurants. Protein complimenting is the way vegans survive. This means a combination of plant sources need to be combined in one meal to achieve the highest ‘protein score’. If you have a choice of which proteins to use follow the below, in ranking order

  • Peas, corn
  • Lentils, chickpeas and red kidney beans
  • Sweet potato
  • Potatoes
  • Breads
  • Pasta/cous-cous
  • Rice (all kinds)

Cinemas, flights, long drives, picnics: These venues do not cater the high protein options. Here the best proteins are the ones you carry on board.

  • KEY Nutrition proteins bars,
  • lean biltong
  • boiled eggs and canned/packet tuna are great, but be mindful that the smell might put passengers off
  • packets of shaved cold meats (lean options) and no bread
  • protein shakes
  • Woolworths have meaty options such as frikkadels, chicken strips, shaved lean meats and pickled fish options.
  • Falafel with hummus for the vegan/vegetarian options


DIETING TIPS AND TRICKS: Braai’s And Restaurants Part 4
DIETING TIPS AND TRICKS: When No Proteins Are Available Part 6

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